One of a long series on the BBC website, who don't bother covering other religions AT ALL, but who seem to be obsessed about the muslim element of Europes population to the exclusion of any other minority. Lets have a look, shall we.
Europe's angry young Muslims
Shamsul Gani sits in his home, in the northern English city of Leeds, a proud father not just a father, note cradling his six-month-old son.
I ask him about the three young men from Leeds who carried out the London bombings last year.
"You'd have left your house keys with them and gone away for a year," he told me.
... during which time they would have set up a bomb factory and used his sink to make explosives, presumably. This guy obviously has no conception of how bitterly non-sensical and non-sequitural that comment is going to sound to an average British person.
For many people, what motivated the bombers is still a mystery.
Which people exactly? Make that "no matter how plain and simple the bombers, their cheerleaders in the muslim community, and the websites that tie the ummah together make the motivation, we are determined to pretend that we don't understand their motives." Ah, the mighty intellectuals of the BBC
But Shamsul grew up with the three - all British Muslims from Pakistani families. (The fourth was a Caribbean convert to Islam.)
Shamsul admires the courage of Mohammad Sidique Khan, the leader of the group, even though he condemns what he did.
Unbelievably, the journalist does not appear to challenge this comment, or check out with him what for the British reader would be the obvious import of this statement, i.e. that the condemnation is a sham, a going-through-the-motions fraud. Blowing up completely unsuspecting people on a tube train is BRAVE? In whose world?
Khan left a videotape explaining his action as a response to Western policy in Iraq and other parts of the Muslim world.
"I have no reason to doubt the credibility of that tape," Shamsul told me.
So we now have our first concrete piece of evidence: Mo Khan believed that 57 Londoners should die because his muslim brothers in Iraq were being murdered. So what does Shamsul believe? We want to know, do you agree with Khan's justifications for mass-murder? But neither the BBC nor Shamsul want the rest of Britain to know the answer to that question, and for roughly the same reason, so the journo didn't bother asking. Instead, he gives us the answer to a completely dull and un-asked question.
"What you have to understand is his belief in what he was doing. He was prepared to put his life on the line for that."
Now we're getting somewhere. This guy is never going to get a job in PR or diplomacy, but his naivete is our gain. We DO have to understand about these peoples belief in what they are doing. What he was also prepared to put on the line, the journalist might have pointed out at this point, was any kind of decent life for muslims in Britain. At no point does the obvious fact that sh**ing on your own doorstep brings about solid, demonstrable consequences like much increased hostility from the native populace of Britain emerge from this guys words.
Is a new angry, alienated generation of European Muslims now being drawn to radicalism?
That's certainly a widespread fear. Hmmm, I wonder why
The London bombings were followed a few months later by the Paris riots. And then, more recently, the controversy over cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed. All these have reinforced that fear. The first teeny tiny inkling that maybe the MSM are putting 2 and 2 together, and not getting 1.5
In the suburbs on the northern rim of the French capital, I found young Muslims, from Arab and African families, who feel excluded by the French state. Amazingly, we have segue'd from Leeds to Clichy- Sous- Bois. Did you spot the missing part? Are we just going to take the couple of paltry comments from a guy called Shamzul as a decent representation of the topic "Europe's angry young muslims" for Britain? Dumbing down has got very dumb indeed. So so far we've got '... a response to Western policy in Iraq' as cited evidence as to why young muslims in Europe are angry. Why does that seem so... thin?
At a youth club, an audition was under way for budding stand-up comedians.
Fifou, a lively young French-Algerian student, did a sketch poking fun at the "double culture" in which she and her friends live.
At home they must be good Muslim kids; but outside they want the good life, just like their non-Muslim friends.
Blah Blah Blah, yadda yadda.
For a moment, I forgot about those thousands of cars, and hundreds of buildings, destroyed in three weeks of rioting last year.
But not for long.
Sitting in the youth club was Samir, a young activist who has set up a group to keep alive the memory of the two dead teenagers.
Unbelievable. The first muslim martyrs for France, but I'm sure not the last. And how appropriate- two small-time criminals running away from the police, jumping into an electricity sub-station and dying there like the Darwin award candidates they were. Not exactly up there with the jihadis blowing up American tanks, but never mind.
I asked him what his aim was. His answer: "To give voice to the pain."
There have been riots before, and nothing changed. This time he wants the message to get through.
What message? Give me a job, a house and some money, and make it fast? I came to your country decades ago, and the social security payments have only gone up 25%! What is this guys message? I think we all know that really, his message is, no peace til you're all in the ummah.
When is somebody going to ask (and perhaps answer) some basic questions, ones like - are muslims kids in France excluded from French life, or have they just not bothered to integrate? Do they behave like immigrants who have no love or respect for their new home? What exactly is the deal they believe has been struck between themselves and the French state? When do you think you'll hear a journalist asking these questions?
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