Saturday, January 06, 2007

Going on the offensive

"BB: Should we be on record about Iran? I mean, that we would like regime change in Iran?

JM: Sure. We should be encouraging the forces of democracy in Iran, just as we have in other countries throughout the world. It’s not unique. Those students recently showed their distaste for the president of Iran. We need to have a radio free Iran, we need to do a better job in encouraging and assisting the forces of democracy in a repressive and oppressive regime."

JM is John McCain, one of the top three contenders for the Republican nomination for President in 2008. I don't know how much commitment Mr McCain has to his own words, but if I was American, I'd want to hear pretty much the same from all the possible contenders. It is time for the US to stop gazing at its navel, and decide whether it is going to commit itself to pursuing its goals around the globe. When you have the capability that the US has, you have the luxury of knowing that if you do commit yourself to something, there's a very high probability you will succeed. The rest of the world that currently holds the same values as the US: of Christianity, of societies based on tolerance, on freedom of speech, freedom of association, freedom of thought and freedom to create and enjoy the fruits of your labour; they need to hear from American presidents a constant refrain that those values will be promoted and protected all around the world. It is not enough just to form a laager around western Europe and America, and try to protect them from islamist depredations. We need to go on the offensive, and stay on the offensive.

And a clear message must be sent out to paper tigers like Russia, that they need to get onside, or pay a heavy price.

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