Monday, February 12, 2007

Moan, whinge, gripe

This makes me so angry I could spit. Israel could, if it wanted to, destroy the Dome of the Rock or turn it into a holy place for their religion. If Israel was a Muslim country, thats exactly what it WOULD do, as evidence from many countries during many historical eras demonstrates. But instead, Israel is replete with mosques, even ones which dominate the landscape of the holiest sites for both Christians and Jews.

And yet!! And yet!! The perenially angry people are still willing to riot and go mental when Israel does some civil engineering works well away from this mosque. I am so sick of these people and their constant berating and their constant moaning and their constant self-declared victim status. Just because they aren't powerful enough to force us into dhimmitude and slave status, their energy is occupied with whingeing.


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