'The government, Ms. Greenhouse said on the NPR audio version of her speech, "had turned its energy and attention away from upholding the rule of law and toward creating law-free zones at Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib, Haditha, other places around the world, the U.S. Congress, whatever. And let's not forget the sustained assault on women's reproductive freedom and the hijacking of public policy by religious fundamentalism." She later added, "I feel a growing obligation to reach out across the ridiculous actual barrier that we seem about to build on the Mexican border. . . ."'
'Ms. Greenhouse told me she considers her remarks at Harvard to be "statements of fact" — not opinion — that would be allowed to appear in a Times news article. She said the Times has not suggested that she avoid writing stories on any of the topics on which she commented in June. "Any such limits would be completely preposterous," she said.'
A while back, I poured as much scorn as I could muster on this illiterate ignoramus. What is astonishing and sad is that what Courtney Martin wishes for ('...folks who ...abandon the old-school idea of objectivity and tackle ... issues with a verve for making change, not just reporting on it') Linda Greenhouse gets permission from her editorial staff to do day in and day out. The New York Times is the most august newspaper in America. That thought should worry everybody in America, and many more outside it. If The New York Times doesn't do objectivity, straight reporting and getting the facts out, who will?
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