"But I must of course take responsibility for any unclarity in either that text or in the radio interview and for any misleading choice of words that's helped to cause distress or misunderstanding among the public at large, and especially among my fellow Christians,'' he added.
He said: "I believe quite strongly that it is not inappropriate for a pastor of the Church of England to address issues about the perceived concerns of other religious communities, and to try and bring them into better public focus."
Oh my. This guy is BRILLIANT. The only evidence for that is the assurances of one R Williams, but whatever. Two points. He can't even apologise without massacring the English language. And second, when was the last time you heard any MCB or MPACUK spokesman talking about the concerns of the Anglicans? You haven't and you won't. They don't bother about that, its not on their priority list. Why is Sharia on Williams's? Empty Anglican churches anybody? Openly gay prelates anybody? Not bothering to teach the word of God as it is written anybody? Hundreds of millions of disgruntled African Anglicans anybody? I haven't heard a peep out of Williams about re-invigorating the Anglican church and restoring it to its formerly vibrant state. How about sorting that out, Rowan, then we'll talk about the other low-priority crap.
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