Monday, April 07, 2008

Needs a good Fisking [Hat Tip: TigerHawk]

Many, many of the hoary old lefty tropes in this dismal assessment of Iraq. The glass isn't just half-empty: its cracked, dirty, leaking and may have ebola germs in it. Has a group of people (in this case the Democrats i.e. the media, and many independent Americans) ever so successfully talked themselves into a fantasy so divergent from the plain facts? And one which is so contrary to the basic interests of those same people? If it weren't about to be carried into Government (probably) by either Ms Clinton or Mr Obama, it would be hilarious. But it isn't, for that very reason.

I can't really be bothered to go through this whole article point by point and illuminate the various fantastical misconceptions, but if enough people write in I spose I could. So get cracking.

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