Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The self-defeating Cause


'Until 2006, hardcore European jihadists would have traveled to Iraq. But the numbers doing so now have dwindled to almost zero, according to several European counterterrorism officials. That's because al-Qaeda's affiliate in Iraq has committed something tantamount to suicide.'

Suicide is the defining quality of Wahhabism. Normal people don't want to commit suicide. Given a good exposure to Wahhabism makes normal people realise they are psychopaths dressing up their murderous hate with religious platitudes. So with the suicide bombings comes organisational suicide. Look at the approval ratings of Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden in the Arab world, especially the Sunni parts, most especially Iraq; now as opposed to five years ago (except at Al Jazeera of course). What caused the change? By their fruit ye shall know them.

Most people want their kids to go to a good school, find some congenial work, and grow old peacefully. Those things are of no interest to the Wahhabists. Even the dumbest folk work that out eventually.

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