Saturday, January 31, 2009

What do you do when you're wrong?

'How predictions for Iraq came true

By John Simpson
BBC World Affairs Editor

It was a few weeks before the invasion of Iraq, three years ago. I was interviewing the Saudi Foreign Minister, Prince Saud al-Faisal, in the ballroom of a big hotel in Cairo. Shrewd, amusing, bulky in his superb white robes, he described to me all the disasters he was certain would follow the invasion.

The US and British troops would be bogged down in Iraq for years. There would be civil war between Sunnis and Shias. The real beneficiary would be the government in Iran.

"And what do the Americans say when you tell them this," I asked? "They don't even listen," he said.

Over the last three years, from a ringside seat here in Baghdad, I have watched his predictions come true, stage by stage.'

I haven't seen John Chimpson recently. He seems to be semi-retired or something. I certainly did not see him today on BBC news, reporting from a very quiet and busy Baghdad where everybody Iraqi was voting. Again. In another PROPER election. In peace. In a country which controls its own borders, is not run by murderous Ba'athist thugs nor even more murderous Al Qaeda scumbags, and is quietly turning into a huge, rather pleasant, well-organised democracy, as planned and executed by the United States under the leadership of George W Bush.

Darn it, where is Chimpy McReporter when you need him? He is so fat, I rather predict he is in the nearest kebab shop, eating the extra large one. Yep, when you're wrong, you hide, and overeat.

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