Thursday, August 27, 2009

Stop taking the money then

'Pakistan concern over aid from US

Shaukat Tarin says aid should be delivered direct to Pakistani agencies
US financial aid to Pakistan is "unacceptable" if it is linked to monitoring of its nuclear arsenal, Pakistan's finance minister has said.

In an interview with the Financial Times newspaper, Shaukat Tarin also said half of the aid pledged is likely to be wasted in administrative costs.

He urged the US to channel its aid through Pakistani agencies.'

Of course alternatively, you could NOT TAKE AMERICAN MONEY.

"‘You should know that we hate all Americans,’ ” Ms. McHale said Mr. Abbasi told her. “ ‘From the bottom of our souls, we hate you.’"

Right, got that. So why take American money? Clearly, the best thing for Pakistan to do is stop taking any money, arms, etc from the United States as of today.

I mean, surely Pakistan doesn't NEED infidel money, what with its massive economy, state of the art infrastructure and advanced technology. Right?

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