'When American wars kill lots of Muslims, inevitably including some civilians, incendiary images magically find their way to the people who will be most inflamed by them.'
Remind me again which American war provoked 9/11?
Bosnia? US forces against Christian Serbs for the sake of Bosnians Muslims? That war?
Kosovo? US forces against Christian Serbs for the sake of Kosovan Albanian Muslims? That war?
Somalia? US troops against Somali warlord on behalf of millions of starving Muslim Somalis? That war?
First Gulf War? US troops against Communist/Ba'thist Saddam Hussein on behalf of Muslim Arab Kuwaitis and Saudis and indirectly Iraqis? That war?
Afghanistan? US money and weapons supplied to Afghan Muslim Mujihadeen against Soviet communists on behalf of millions of Muslim Afghans? That war?
Stop me when you get bored.
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