'...Created in June 2008, HCAN raised more than $40 million from liberal foundations and unions...
...The largest actors in HCAN -- USAction, SEIU, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, ACORN, and MoveOn -- are all, in political scientist Theda Skocpol's terms, "federated" organizations. Each used its capacity to mobilize people at the local and state levels but also to coordinate strategy at the national level...
In the 15 months since Obama's inauguration, HCAN, a large and sometimes unwieldy coalition, was often uneasy about whether to be mainly a support group for the White House or a more assertive prod. But in the end it has played a very important role in rallying the base, smoking out the destructive role of the industry, and making it difficult politically for the administration to indulge its fantasies of a bipartisan deal...
I'm sure there must be someone out there so sad that they actually care who comprises HCAN. And I'm sure there must be a few sad sacks who think that 'rallying the base, smoking out the destructive role of the industry, and making it difficult politically for the administration to indulge its fantasies of a bipartisan deal' are real things, and even important real things.
But last time I checked- for the whole of the Obama administration's existence, the Democrat party has controlled the White House, the House of Representatives and the Senate. For legislation to become law, both the House and Senate must pass it, and the President sign it. So why didn't they do that the day after the inauguration? Given that both Obama and Hillary Clinton had healthcare reform as a major plank of their platform, we all knew it was going to happen. So why was it such an abortion?
Nobody needed HCAN for anything. It was redundant, purposeless, pointless. '"The message we have is simple," says Richard Kirsch, director of Health Care for America Now (HCAN)... "Congress should listen to us, not the insurance industry."' Why? What have you got to say that is either meaningful, different and relevant?
What HCAN was asking for, Obama had already told them he would deliver. And he did. Why do you need to gather together $40 million, and a thousand existing groups to ask for something that has already been promised, and now delivered?
It was and is completely irrational. Without a single Republican vote, or a single dollar from HCAN, or a single email from the nutroots, the Democrats could have passed their healthcare abortion on the first day after Obama took power. So why was it a solid year of tortuous and clownish bickering and bitching?
And apart from endlessly reiterating their belief that the health insurance companies are Satan, what did HCAN do? Absolutely nothing. The Obama healthcare 'reform' bill ensconces the health insurers in a nice feather bed of 32 million more policies, from what I have read, which people by law have to buy. Win!
It demonstrates what enormous efforts lefties are willing to put into vacuous campaigns about pretty much nothing, as long as there is some Emmanuel Goldstein to hep everybody up with.
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