Hamas were elected in a proper election. The US says that democracy is the best and must be spread around the world. And yet!!! the US and Britain will not!!!! accept Hamas as the legitimate rulers of the Palestinians and are illegally witholding funds from the Palestinians.
So goes a very familiar story, constantly touted in Al-Jazeera, Al-Arabiya and every islamist mouthpiece; and also by the Dhimmi press- A.P., AFP, Reuters, New York Times and all points left.
So, lets just give that story some consideration. The National Socialist party of Germany was also a completely legitimate political party voted into government. Both before the Nazis and since their demise, political parties have existed in many countries who you WOULD NEVER WANT TO WIN AN ELECTION. Britain had at one point in the 1980's over a hundred communist parties. Any one of them, if elected to Parliament in sufficient numbers would have indubitably destroyed Britain as it was then, and brought untold suffering and death to it (just look at the record of communists round the world if you don't believe me). The idea that any group of people, with whatever collective psychosis and degree of criminality, should they form a political party, are then entitled to get themselves voted into office is so stupid it should not have to be elucidated. And Hamas are a murderous islamo-imperialist collective hiding under the guise of political party and 'social movement'.
And lets just tease out for a moment, what exactly the incensed palestinians and their world-wide cheerleader squad are arguing for: Britain and America should be sending hundreds of millions of dollars of British and American taxpayers money to the palestinians, even though they very recently voted into office a group of people dedicated to the murder of every Israeli, and the destruction of the Israeli state, a long-standing ally of Britain and America- and the fact that they refuse to do this makes them EVIL.
Good argument guys. Just how thick would we have to be?
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