Another interesting link on LGF. All very interesting and agreeable, but this caught my eye:
'Will Hutton has admitted that “the space in which to argue that Islam is an essentially benign religion seems to narrow with every passing day.” “The West,” he continued, “provokes Islam not by doing anything, although what it does is hardly helpful; it provokes at least some strands of Islamic thought simply by being.” That means “the only way we can live together peaceably with Islam is if we don’t compromise our own values.”'
I really hate wishy washy drivelly noodling that passes for thinking on the left. An Islam (I think he means the Wahhabists, folks) which is provoked by our mere existence is completely unaffected by whether we compromise our values or not. It will be affected by our soldiers, our spies and our very long prison sentances. It is US who are affected by compromises on our values. If we really believe in what we believe, we will carry on with our way of life even if there are 10 billion Muslims or none. Why can't a lefty just go ahead and say that? Too much pot before breakfast...
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