Friday, May 23, 2008

Big fish starting to look very small in big pond

'Why do the affluent, astute Obamas cling to such doctrinaire grievances, and then offer insulting clarifications when called on them? The obvious explanation is that Barack Obama had previously navigated only on the small lakes of the Ivy League and Chicago politics, where the drumbeat of grievance pays real dividends and easy anti-American throw-off lines are hardly gaffes. But now, for the first time in his life, he is buffeted by the gales of an ever-widening national campaign where his once-persuasive themes suddenly sound absurd.'

I just caught Obama on Fox, laying into McCain about the new GI bill and being 'welded to Bush on every issue'. My first thought was that he sounded like the pompous nerds I encountered at the Model UN meets back when I was in Uni. Full of polished phrases and 'nuanced' language, but sadly remote from the actual people and places and events they were discussing. Endlessly discussing things in an academic environment where no debate ever has consequences is not a good preparation for running a large, complicated country. Adlai Stevenson anybody?

Obama is not up for this job, and its gradually becoming apparent.

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