Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Some navel gazing


'Actually, anybody who thinks they can change the world by blogging is deluded (and Kevin has always struck me as one of the most realistic and self-aware bloggers out there).'

Thats just silly- thats like saying 'people who write can't change the world'. Tell that to Karl Marx, Thomas Paine, The Apostles Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, Socrates. The fantastic thing about blogs is some of the people who blog are serious minds that I'd never have access to ordinarily. Some of them live so far away I'd never be able to talk with them. Some of them exist in social circles I'd never get access to. Some do jobs which require great knowledge and expertise. Being allowed to share the thoughts of those people is truly a marvellous thing.

Some blogs will change the world. Some already have.

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