Friday, September 25, 2009

Choir master of the hate chorus

1000 Posts!!! Whoo hoo!!! Right, now we've got that out of the way...

'...The continued flow of criticisms of the previous administration and Obama's apologies for the actions of the United States are becoming more than unseemly. The president observed, "I came to office at a time when many around the world had come to view America with skepticism and distrust." He allowed that "part" of this feeling about the U.S. was due to "misperceptions and misinformation." But apparently another part was a justified—or at least justifiable—response to American actions, or so he invited his audience to infer...'

'The president seems to hold a fixed view that he can mitigate anti-American feeling by conceding the truth of what the anti-Americans say.'

They will like Obama more, that's all. Hatred of the United States, based on envy, shadenfreude and rivalry is going nowhere. Of course, Obama's belief is also steadily alienating the people who voted him into office.

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