Saturday, June 23, 2007

Engaging the enemy

'In the past few days, the BBC appears to have turned itself into a mouthpiece for Hamas. From a steady procession of talking heads has issued a stream of Arab propaganda, along the lines that what has happened in Gaza is an inevitable outcome of the Israeli/western collective punishment of Palestinian voters for democratically choosing a party of which the west disapproves, along with the Israeli/western refusal to ‘engage’ with Hamas, a situation which must now be remedied forthwith. If we look a little more closely at these interviewees, however, it seems that such a consistent line may not be altogether coincidental. The casual listener and viewer has been led to assume that all these ‘experts’ are random, if well-informed, observers of the Middle East scene. But a rather different picture emerges if one joins up some of the dots.'

Ms Phillips then goes on to name and shame the various experts, revealing their often long history as apologists for Wahhabist groups and/or Wahhabist thinking. Time was we engaged the enemy with Royal Navy gunboats and Lee-Enfields- we now do it with billion dollar aid packages and encomiums on our national broadcast network. What a pitiful wreck of a nation.

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