Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The stages of mourning


Reading this after linking to it from Instapundit, I was reminded of The Stages of Mourning. Are you a lefty Democrat mourning the victory of Bush in Iraq? Here's a handy guide to the stages...

Stage One - Denial and Isolation
Every single person I have spoken to who was 'against the war' denies that the surge is working/has worked. One person I spoke to in the office said "You don't believe that propaganda do you?". Another said "There's no way you can beat a peoples liberation movement by force". Deny Deny Deny. The web is littered with articles like this: http://thinkprogress.org/2007/04/17/korb-returns-iraq/ and this http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bob-cesca/the-surge-is-working-i_b_44761.html.
Deny Deny Deny

Of course, we still have Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance to go, but at least we know that in the end will come acceptance!

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