Thursday, December 06, 2007

CIA awash with liberal idiots

'During the past year, a period when Iran’s weapons program was supposedly halted, the government has been busy installing some 3,000 gas centrifuges at its plant at Natanz. These machines could, if operated continuously for about a year, create enough enriched uranium to provide fuel for a bomb. In addition, they have no plausible purpose in Iran’s civilian nuclear effort. All of Iran’s needs for enriched uranium for its energy programs are covered by a contract with Russia.
Iran is also building a heavy water reactor at its research center at Arak. This reactor is ideal for producing plutonium for nuclear bombs, but is of little use in an energy program like Iran’s, which does not use plutonium for reactor fuel. India, Israel and Pakistan have all built similar reactors — all with the purpose of fueling nuclear weapons. And why, by the way, does Iran even want a nuclear energy program, when it is sitting on an enormous pool of oil that is now skyrocketing in value? And why is Iran developing long-range Shahab missiles, which make no military sense without nuclear warheads to put on them?'

I just finished reading 'The Looming Tower' and the CIA and the NSA come out of it very badly. Happy as little fluffy bunnies to hide behind any and every bureaucratic firewall, both were deeply culpable in the preventable disaster that was 9/11. Now again the CIA seems to be more intent on pursuing its own foreign policy than finding Americas enemies and uncovering their secrets. The CIA might as well rename itself the Democrat Party/EU Annex for high-level twittering.

In an interesting parallel, the plot of 24 season six centers around two Presidential flunkies; the heroine is a paid-up lets-all-hug bleeding heart liberal staunchly defending America against hardened criminal fascist right-wing vice president/generals, and the other is a careerist who is gradually persuaded that the heroine is not only right but good. In every instance, the bad people end up being right wing conservatives who believe that America should defend itself. In every instance, the good people want to close Gitmo, bring the troops home, apologise to the whole world for existing at all, bend over and take it up the arse from whoever feels like it.

It didn't take me long to realise that whoever writes 24 is a paid-up Defeatocrat, as presumably are most of the middle ranking CIA population. If I was GWB or the next President if he's a Republican, I would have a root and branch clear-out of those institutions, and replace them with patriots. The current pseudo-intellectual morons can't even lie well.

(found this link on Instapundit)

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