Friday, April 25, 2008

New politics or business as usual?

'Obama's challenge to the primacy of that sort of politics is both worthy and essential. His point, and Bill Clinton's, is indisputable: there is a need for a big election this year. A decision has to be made about the war in Iraq. The mortgage-market and the health-insurance systems are falling apart. There is a drastic need to wean ourselves off fossil fuels for national-security, environmental and basic supply-and-demand reasons. The physical and educational infrastructures of the country are badly outdated.',8599,1734643-2,00.html

Obama is a new kind of politician, loftily flying above earthly frailties like stereotypes and caricatures. Although he does like to sit in church of a Sunday and soak up malevolent racist stereotypes, caricatures and conspiracy theories; which is slightly odd, come to think of it.

By the way, whats so special about the problems/issues listed above?
1. War in Iraq. Won already.
2. Mortgage market. In virtually no sense a government problem.
3. Health Insurance. No hard evidence that there is a problem at all.
4. Fossil fuels 'addiction'. An engineering problem.
5. Physical infrastructure problems. You got some actual examples of what you're talking about?
6. Educational infrastructure. US public education is mediocre. But there's an awful lot of it, and the brightest and best get superb educations. Wheres the panic?

There are always things to campaign about in any election year. But this years Presidential election issues are pretty small beer.

Oddly absent is the worldwide effort to destroy the nests of Islamist supremacists. But I guess according to the Dems, they don't exist and if they do, we just don't understand their point of view.

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