See what happens when I'm too busy to blog for a few weeks? There must be a word for 'pent-up urge to blog'....
'Thousands Return to Safer Iraqi Capital
By STEVEN R. HURST – 6 days ago
BAGHDAD (AP) — In a dramatic turnaround, more than 3,000 Iraqi families driven out of their Baghdad neighborhoods have returned to their homes in the past three months as sectarian violence has dropped, the government said Saturday.'
I watched a disgusting 'mutual admiration society' interview on BBC world yesterday where some haggard old bitch of a presenter interviewed one of Britains ex-top generals discussing the Iraq intervention. Just like everyone at the BBC, because she knows nothing about the military or political situation in that country in November 2007, her questions went something along the lines of-
"The complete and utter disaster in Iraq just keeps getting worse doesn't it daaaaaahling? Tell us all about how stupid Bush is..."
She then came up with something like this-
"The figures coming in about the surge don't make sense. How do you explain this American propaganda in a way that makes sense to me and my viewers?"
The generals answer went something along the lines of-
"You are both beautiful and right, daaaaaaahling. The only reason the figures 'look' like America has won is that the ethnic cleansing is finished, the death squads have killed everybody, and Al-qaeda never existed. Please go back to sleep, everything is normal."
Maybe I'm new to this or something, but the bubble in which our top people live seems to be so devoid of any smack of reality, so far away from the world of facts and existent things that the whole edifice of British life is about to crumble like a great over-ripe cheese. Its not of course. But its annoying when the 'great-and-good' consensus contains so little actual content. To his immense credit, I've heard more reality-based reporting from Andrew Gilligan of the 'sexed-up' dossier fame recently than from many of the remaining senior idiots at the Beeb. He may have got that story wrong, but he continues to use his brain for its intended purpose.
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