Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Veil yourself you slut


"Muslims will not waver over Veils

Britain's Muslim community overwhelmingly believes that women should be allowed to wear the veil, despite fears that it presents a barrier to integration, a study has found. Almost nine in 10 Muslims think that any government moves to ban the veil would hurt social cohesion."

The picture accompanying the article had this explanatory note "Muslims believe women should be free to wear veils".

As the guys at LGF point out, its not about 'being free to wear veils'. Its about a totally male-dominated religion that says 'wear a veil or you are an evil slut'. We don't call that FREEDOM. We call that SUBJUGATION. Its time for us to say so, very loudly, and insist that in Britain subjugation is not perpetrated on some women by some men because their so-called prophet said they should.

I wish the media in Britain would try to remember this- we don't believe in Islam. He's not our prophet. If he existed at all, he was a misogynist, Jew-hating, Christian-hating paedophile. And his 'commands' should mean absolutely nothing to us. Having a society where all people are treated with an equal amount of decency and respect is what we believe.

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