Friday, May 18, 2007

Got it in one

"Shhh. Don't tell Algore it ain't global warming.
The gravest terrorist threat in the world today is Islamophobia, foreign ministers of the Organization of the Islamic Conference said this week.
“It is something that has assumed xenophobic proportions,” they said.
The ministers described Islamophobia as a deliberate defamation of Islam and discrimination and intolerance against Muslims. They accused Western media of misrepresenting Islam and Muslims worldwide, according to a report in Arab News.

pho·bia (noun) - an exaggerated usually inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object, class of objects, or situation

It ain’t inexplicable. It ain’t illogical. And it ain’t fear.
It’s disgust. It’s distrust. And it’s disdain."

I'd been meaning to post about this for ages, but SondraK got there first. Its ok, because she's done it far more eloquently than I could have.

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