(Credit: Little Green Footballs)
When the history books come to be written about this period, I wonder how ham-fisted and ludicrous Nancy Pelosi's self-declared 'reaching out across the sea'-athon will appear. It reminds me of kids dressing up in their parents clothes and having tea-parties with toy china. Nancy Pelosi may have the title and the plane and the budget, but she doesn't have the experience and the intelligence to do her job. She has a fanciful notion that the only bad people in the world are Republican conservatives and Baptist preachers, and that Bashir Assad is a lovely foreign chappie that Bush is just being mean and spiteful to out of malevolence. If we just go and have a nice friendly chat with them, and show them that the Democrats are nice friendly people, not like the horrid, beastly Republicans, the Assads of the world will mellow out and join our worldwide coalition of nice people. Even Jimmah Carter isn't that naive. At least he recognised that there were some very intricate and extensive problems in the Middle East, many of them home-grown.
Nancy Pelosi seems to think that the rest of the world is Potemkin Villages, simply a pretty backdrop for playing out the vastly important dramas of Beltway theatre. Compared to this vain and delusionary vacuity, President Bush's sober and serious consideration of the well-being of Iraqi's and Syrians is on a distinctly superior moral plane. I think history will judge Ms Pelosi harshly, and President Bush much more kindly than many of his contemporaries think.
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