Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Wandering about without a clue,,2090993,00.html

'At this week's Hay festival, Charles Leadbeater, currently writing a book on the internet's transformation of creativity, explained how we are moving from the passive consumers of the 20th century to the active participants of the 21st. That had to be good for democracy, he said, because it would give more people a voice, good for equality, because it lowers the barriers that once excluded all but the elite from taking part, and good for freedom because it allows people to express themselves.'

Why is so much lefty writing impenetrable and mushy? The Internets affect on the mechanics of politics will be a lot like those of books and magazines, but the effects will happen a bit faster. Got that? Jeez Louise. I remember sitting around with web aficionados ten years ago as they droned on and on about the mystical and magical effects the internet was going to have. Just like the dotcom boom, it was 99% fluffy nothing. By 2005, we were all going to be working from home on ergonomic chairs, feeding the cat with one hand and updating the Accounts Payable with the other. Hmmmm. We were all going to using free software like Linux. Hmmmm. The internet was going to a free-thinking, uncensored place run by hippies, for hippies. Hmmmm. China, Russia, Child Porn, Jihadi videos, bestiality, neo-nazis anyone?

Life must be full of shocking surprises for some people. Everything they EVER predict doesn't happen. I guess they must predict things and then immediately forget, and never check to see whether their prediction panned out. Because there's no sign of learning...

This article is almost a parody of the complete inability of lefty thinking to explain the real world.

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