Wednesday, May 30, 2007

What is a journalists trade union for?

'In backing the gagging of dissenting voices, Pilger, Benn, Labour deputy leader hopeful Jon Cruddas and others backed a regime where criticism of the president is potentially punishable by 30 months in prison, and where the government is clearly intent on shutting down dissenting voices.
Meanwhile, the NUJ secretary, Jeremy Dear, has persistently backed Chávez against the media outlets, citing the general improvement for workers in the Chávez era as a reason for solidarity. No matter what your views on the relative gains and losses the Venezuelan people have experienced since Chávez took power in 1998, one should be able to spot, and criticise, the censor's instinct at play.'

So lets see- the NUJ under Jeremy Dear has solidly backed the Palestinians, one of whose terrorist groups has taken captive the BBC correspondent for Gaza, and whose commitment to truth in the public domain is nil. And it backs Chavez in Venezuela who is putting journalists out of business because they dare to disagree with his politics. Perhaps Jeremy Dear should quit the NUJ and start an international communist/internationalist political party, rather than turning the NUJ into one...

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