Friday, May 18, 2007

Gitmo jokes

'A Pakistani-born US resident detained at Guantanamo Bay has said he was "mentally tortured" there, according to a transcript released by the Pentagon'

Oh no!! Thats terrible. What did they do to him?

"There is extensive torture even for the smallest of infractions."
Mr Khan complained about how US guards had taken away pictures of his daughter, given him new glasses with the wrong prescription, shaved his beard off, forcibly fed him when he went on hunger strike, and denied him the opportunity for recreation.
This led him to attempt to chew through his artery twice, Mr Khan said.
Later, Mr Khan produced a list of further examples of psychological torture, which included the provision of "cheap, branded, unscented soap", the prison newsletter, noisy fans and half-inflated balls in the recreation room that "hardly bounce".

Oh my God! The humanity, the humanity...

If you are going to make up bullshit accusations of human rights abuses, at least make them abusive. Go for broke, dude!

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