Friday, May 18, 2007

Al-Nakba: the horror that is Israel

'Put simply: whilst the debate has been raging on the pros and cons of shutting down I/P [Israel/Palestine] debate on DKos in toto, in practise it has already been happening. Specifically, we refer to the recent banning of two valuable I/P contributors, Sabbah and umkahlil. A quick look back through the diaries and comments these authors have contributed will confirm that they have attempted to engage in sincere and honest debate about the conflict. They have done nothing wrong - on the contrary, they have made a valuable contribution to the site. In an unintended irony, the bannings took place on May 15 - Nakba Day. Daily Kos's own mini-purge happened on the very day Palestinians commemorate their expulsion from their homes in what is today the State of Israel.'

Why will there never be a useful contribution from the left to rational debate? They dont want to tell the truth EVER. Nakba day has nothing to do with 'expulsion from homes'. Al-Nakba (the catastrophe) was the creation of Israel. Trouble is, the original meaning of the term was just too honest! The Palestinians hated the Jews, and the creation of a separate Jewish state in 1947 was disgusting and repulsive to them, hence the term. They immediately tried to destroy Israel, with the assistance of all the surrounding Arab countries. Because they lost, hundreds of thousands of them left, fearing reprisals for all the murdered Jewish settlers and Jerusalemites. Gradually, Palestinians learned that if they were honest about their visceral hatred of Jews and Israel, even the most 'progressive' lefty in the West bridled. So Nakba day gradually ceased to be the catastrophe of Israel coming into being, and became the catasphrophe of the 'expulsions' of Palestinians from Israeli territory. The first meaning implies simple xenophobia and racism, whereas the second speaks of victimhood and persecution.

Disdain for the truth, and the belief that history is the servant of politics are hallmarks of both Arab culture and marxist culture. Just as diplomatic talks only matter if both parties believe that diplomatic talks matter, discussing history with moonbats and Arabs would only make sense if they understood that history is what DID happen, not what our politics require to have happened.


Anonymous said...

At best you're misinformed, at worst you're delusional.

You need to read a history book or two by prominent Israeli historians like Tom Segev, for example.

That should clue you in on what the Nakba really is and how ridiculously and transparently misinformed you sound.

You would have a fraction of credibility if you bothered to drop the slogans and the talking points rhetoric and really examined historical events from an empirical informed perspective.

Edmund Ironside said...

Thanks for the sermon. You didn't quite get around to any specific fact which I was inaccurate about. The gradual transformation of Al-Nakba is microcosmic of how the whole narrative of the Palestinian Arabs has gone from "We will kill and evict the Jews because we are the mighty Arabs" to "Wah!! Its not fair- the Israelis are lording it over us and you have to help us kill them!". My answer, and the British and US governments answer to that is "er, no".