Monday, October 30, 2006

Google Ads employ lefty morons

I apologise to my reader for the George Soros Foundation ad which currently appears on my Blog. The Google Ads folk deem themselves humorists, I guess.

You can find this little gem at

The War in Iraq
What The Bush Administration Won't Tell You
About The War in Iraq

The United States has thoroughly destabilized the Middle East by invading Iraq. The task of the occupying forces is no longer confined to fighting a Sunni insurrection; they have to contain an incipient civil war. The country has divided along sectarian lines and each faction has established a fighting capacity.

Now the situation in the Middle East is dire. Iran threatens to become a nuclear power. The low-grade civil war in Iraq threatens to broaden into a regional conflict. We are facing a clash of civilizations and/or armed sectarian conflict. And all this in a region that is responsible for the bulk of the world’s oil supply.

Something is fundamentally wrong with President Bush’s contention that he has made us safer at home by taking the war on terror abroad. There are many more people willing to sacrifice their lives to kill Americans than there were on 9/11.

The Bush administration shows no awareness of the contradictions in its policies or of the negative consequences. Here is President Bush’s introduction to the 2006 National Security Strategy so that you can judge for yourself.

So let me get this straight- because the US invaded Iraq and removed Saddam Hussain, Iran has developed Nuclear weapons? What school of logic does that argument come out of?

'The low-grade civil war in Iraq threatens to broaden into a regional conflict' in a region that has for many many years not had one of those. Yeah, good one.

Hang on, we're onto the next huge claim- 'We are facing a clash of civilizations and/or armed sectarian conflict'. George W Bush INVENTED clashes of civilizations! They just didn't ever occur in world history before 2003. Especially when Clinton was President- everybody in the world just LOVED each other.

'And all this in a region that is responsible for the bulk of the world’s oil supply.' Its almost like President Bush didn't factor in the oil industry when he invaded Iraq...

'There are many more people willing to sacrifice their lives to kill Americans than there were on 9/11'. That we know about. Before 9/11, we just didn't care that they wanted to kill us. We thought they were being rhetorical.

'The Bush administration shows no awareness of the contradictions in its policies'. They have not submitted even one rebuttal document to us over here at Georgesoros.completelydumb. Its almost like they think our illogical, ignorant, pseudo-intellectual twaddle isn't worth responding to.

Damn, thats true actually. Must be time for bed.

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