Thursday, October 19, 2006

Sew the wind...

Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, speaking on behalf of the 57 Islamic countries, declared the the phenomenon of Islamophobia was on the rise in Europe and urged Western countries to promote tolerance and respect for all religions. He warned about the dangers of Islamophobia: “If we read the trends closely and connect the dots, it is obvious Muslims are being dehumanized. This is painfully reminiscent of the pre-World War II era. That dark chapter of history and pogroms must never be repeated, this time involving Muslims.”

What makes this quote painfully ironic is the fact that the Muslim Council of Britain and many less well-known islamic bodies in Britain refuse to dignify Holocaust Day with any acknowledgement. Every year when it comes around, mainly Labour politicians plaintively plead with the MCB et al to join up and remember with the rest of us what fascist psychopaths reaped in Germany, and what Turkish psychopaths perpetrated in Armenia, and what Tutsi psychopaths did in Rwanda. And every year they get the same vague fob-offs, masking the very real anti-Jewish sentiment that lies behind their non-marking of Holocaust day.

I don't believe a holocaust of the muslims is about to take place. That is just florid exaggeration. But the selfishness and ethnocentricity and lack of fellow-feeling of muslims in Britain is winning them no friends. Well, that and the mass-murder.

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