Monday, August 31, 2009

UN move to Congo

'On New Jersey's determination to keep Qadhafi out during his U.S. visit:

We have a treaty under which we have to welcome these miscreants.

This is not the first time. It happened with Castro, with Iranian leaders, with PLO leaders. There is only one solution, and that is to terminate the agreement to have the U.N. in the U.S., kick them out, and have them in Kinshasa where they won't get a lot of press and the damage done in the U.N. will be vastly decreased.…

And it would free up a lot of [New York] parking spaces.'

I love Charles Krauthammer. Not in a gay way, but I do love him. Listening to him is like watching a surgeon- precise, methodical, quiet but absolutely spot on. He virtually never waffles, virtually never fails to rip away the coarse outer layers and get to the pure guts of the issue.

I'd vote for the the UN in Kinshasa. Paid for by the Congo and Zimbabwe, preferably.

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